Society in Denial

In my eating disorder recovered world, I often find myself wondering how can we prevent these types of mentalities. How can I work to ensure that the disorder which so imprisoned my mind and left permanent scars on my thoughts doesn’t befall any of my younger sisters, my students, or my friends? In a society … More Society in Denial

Part 2 of Travel, Solo Time: Battling the Bully Within

*disclaimer: in an effort to retain the honesty and accuracy of this piece, their is an instance of profanity.  The first 25 days of my travels abroad were with amazing friends,  and beyond petty external concerns including trains with broken AC, a nightmare Airbnb experience in Krakow, and my appalled dismay at how quickly cash … More Part 2 of Travel, Solo Time: Battling the Bully Within

Part 1 of The Two Month Travel Reflection: Countries as Disney Characters, and tips the Internet didn’t tell me

Tomorrow, I return back to the United States after spending eight weeks traveling around Europe, with the last four being spent in Bologna, Italy, studying Latin and classical literature. The experience has been at different times wonderful, overwhelming, miserable, and breathtaking; I have had moments of extreme loneliness, as well as moments when I feel … More Part 1 of The Two Month Travel Reflection: Countries as Disney Characters, and tips the Internet didn’t tell me


There’s nothing quite like tromping through the streets of Paris fresh out of the airport, wearing socks with your Chacos and lugging around a giant orange backpack, to make you feel like an utter idiot. With my shirt sticking to my sweaty back, my companions and I stepped out of the Metro into the bright … More Amateurism

Sexualization and why it matters

As part of a semester long project, I have spent the past three months researching the sexualization of the human person. Specifically, I have been exploring the deleterious effects that sexualization has within society, and through this exploration I believe I have pinpointed a deeper underlying problem that contributes to the perpetuation of sexualization in … More Sexualization and why it matters